Source code for pynapple.core.interval_set

The class `IntervalSet` deals with non-overlaping epochs. `IntervalSet` objects can interact with each other or with the time series objects.

import importlib
import warnings
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin
from tabulate import tabulate

from ._jitted_functions import (
from .config import nap_config
from .metadata_class import _MetadataMixin, add_meta_docstring
from .time_index import TsIndex
from .utils import (

all_warnings = np.array(
        "Some starts and ends are equal. Removing 1 microsecond!",
        "Some ends precede the relative start. Dropping them!",
        "Some starts precede the previous end. Joining them!",
        "Some epochs have no duration",

[docs] class IntervalSet(NDArrayOperatorsMixin, _MetadataMixin): """ A class representing a (irregular) set of time intervals in elapsed time, with relative operations The `IntervalSet` object behaves like a numpy ndarray with the limitation that the object is not mutable. If start and end are not aligned, meaning that: 1. len(start) != len(end) 2. end[i] > start[i] 3. start[i+1] < end[i] 4. start and end are not sorted, IntervalSet will try to "fix" the data by eliminating some of the start and end data points. Parameters ---------- start : numpy.ndarray or number or pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series or iterable of (start, end) pairs Beginning of intervals. Alternatively, the `end` argument can be left out and `start` can be one of the following: - IntervalSet - pandas.DataFrame with columns ["start", "end"] - iterable of (start, end) pairs - a single (start, end) pair end : numpy.ndarray or number or pandas.Series, optional Ends of intervals. time_units : str, optional Time unit of the intervals ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) metadata: pandas.DataFrame or dict, optional Metadata associated with each interval. Metadata names are pulled from DataFrame columns or dictionary keys. The length of the metadata should match the length of the intervals. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `start` and `end` arguments are of unknown type. Examples -------- Initialize an IntervalSet with a list of start and end times: >>> import pynapple as nap >>> import numpy as np >>> start = [0, 10, 20] >>> end = [5, 12, 33] >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=start, end=end) >>> ep index start end 0 0 5 1 10 12 2 20 33 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. Initialize an IntervalSet with an array of start and end pairs: >>> times = np.array([[0, 5], [10, 12], [20, 33]]) >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(times) >>> ep index start end 0 0 5 1 10 12 2 20 33 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. Initialize an IntervalSet with metadata: >>> start = [0, 10, 20] >>> end = [5, 12, 33] >>> metadata = {"label": ["a", "b", "c"]} >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=start, end=end, metadata=metadata) index start end label 0 0 5 a 1 10 12 b 2 20 33 c shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. Initialize an IntervalSet with a pandas DataFrame: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame(data={"start": [0, 10, 20], "end": [5, 12, 33], "label": ["a", "b", "c"]}) >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(df) >>> ep index start end label 0 0 5 a 1 10 12 b 2 20 33 c shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. Apply numpy functions to an IntervalSet: >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=[0, 10], end=[5,20]) >>> ep index start end 0 0 5 1 10 20 shape: (2, 2), time unit: sec. >>> np.diff(ep, 1) UserWarning: Converting IntervalSet to numpy.array array([[ 5.], [10.]]) Slicing an IntervalSet: >>> ep[:,0] array([ 0., 10.]) >>> ep[0] start end 0 0 5 shape: (1, 2) Modifying the `IntervalSet` will raise an error: >>> ep[0,0] = 1 RuntimeError: IntervalSet is immutable. Starts and ends have been already sorted. """ start: np.ndarray """The start times of each interval""" end: np.ndarray """The end times of each interval""" values: np.ndarray """Array of start and end times""" index: np.ndarray """Index of each interval, automatically set from 0 to n_intervals""" columns: np.ndarray """Column names of the IntervalSet, which are always ["start", "end"]""" nap_class: str """The pynapple class name"""
[docs] def __init__( self, start, end=None, time_units="s", metadata=None, ): # set directly in __dict__ to avoid infinite recursion in __setattr__ self.__dict__["_initialized"] = False if isinstance(start, IntervalSet): end = start.end.astype(np.float64) start = start.start.astype(np.float64) elif isinstance(start, pd.DataFrame): assert ( "start" in start.columns and "end" in start.columns ), """ DataFrame must contain columns name "start" and "end" for start and end times. """ # try sorting the DataFrame by start times, preserving its end pair, as an effort to preserve metadata # since metadata would be dropped if starts and ends are sorted separately # note that if end times are still not sorted, metadata will be dropped if np.any(start["start"].diff() < 0): warnings.warn( "DataFrame is not sorted by start times. Sorting it.", stacklevel=2 ) start = start.sort_values("start").reset_index(drop=True) metadata = start.drop(columns=["start", "end"]) end = start["end"].values.astype(np.float64) start = start["start"].values.astype(np.float64) else: if end is None: # Require iterable of (start, end) tuples try: start_end_array = np.array(list(start)).reshape(-1, 2) start, end = zip(*start_end_array) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( "Unable to Interpret the input. Please provide a list of start-end pairs." ) args = {"start": start, "end": end} for arg, data in args.items(): if isinstance(data, Number): args[arg] = np.array([data]) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): args[arg] = np.ravel(np.array(data)) elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): args[arg] = data.values elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): args[arg] = np.ravel(data) elif is_array_like(data): args[arg] = convert_to_numpy_array(data, arg) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown format for {}. Accepted formats are numpy.ndarray, list, tuple or any array-like objects.".format( arg ) ) start = args["start"] end = args["end"] assert len(start) == len(end), "Starts end ends are not of the same length" start = TsIndex.format_timestamps(start, time_units) end = TsIndex.format_timestamps(end, time_units) drop_meta = False if not (np.diff(start) > 0).all(): if metadata is not None: msg1 = "Cannot add metadata to unsorted start times. " msg2 = " and dropping metadata" else: msg1 = "" msg2 = "" warnings.warn( "start is not sorted. " + msg1 + "Sorting it" + msg2 + ".", stacklevel=2 ) start = np.sort(start) drop_meta = True if not (np.diff(end) > 0).all(): if metadata is not None: msg1 = "Cannot add metadata to unsorted end times. " msg2 = " and dropping metadata" else: msg1 = "" msg2 = "" warnings.warn( "end is not sorted. " + msg1 + "Sorting it" + msg2 + ".", stacklevel=2 ) end = np.sort(end) drop_meta = True data, to_warn = _jitfix_iset(start, end) if np.any(to_warn): msg = "\n".join(all_warnings[to_warn]) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) if np.any(to_warn[1:]) and (metadata is not None): drop_meta = True warnings.warn("epochs have changed, dropping metadata.", stacklevel=2) self.values = data self.index = np.arange(data.shape[0], dtype="int") self.columns = np.array(["start", "end"]) self.nap_class = self.__class__.__name__ # initialize metadata to get all attributes before setting metadata _MetadataMixin.__init__(self) self._class_attributes = self.__dir__() # get list of all attributes self._class_attributes.append("_class_attributes") # add this property self._initialized = True if (drop_meta is False) and (metadata is not None): self.set_info(metadata)
def __repr__(self): # Start by determining how many columns and rows. # This can be unique for each object cols, rows = _get_terminal_size() # max_cols = np.maximum(cols // 12, 5) max_rows = np.maximum(rows - 10, 2) # By default, the first three columns should always show. # Adding an extra column between actual values and metadata try: metadata = self._metadata col_names = metadata.columns except Exception: # Necessary for backward compatibility when saving IntervalSet as pickle metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=self.index) col_names = [] headers = ["index", "start", "end"] if len(col_names): headers += [c for c in col_names] bottom = f"shape: {self.shape}, time unit: sec." # We rarely want to print everything as it can be very big. if len(self) > max_rows: n_rows = max_rows // 2 data = np.vstack( ( np.hstack( ( self.index[0:n_rows, None], self.values[0:n_rows], _convert_iter_to_str(metadata.values[0:n_rows]), ), dtype=object, ), np.array([["..." for _ in range(len(headers))]], dtype=object), np.hstack( ( self.index[-n_rows:, None], self.values[-n_rows:], _convert_iter_to_str(metadata.values[-n_rows:]), ), dtype=object, ), ) ) else: data = np.hstack( ( self.index[:, None], self.values, _convert_iter_to_str(metadata.values), ), dtype=object, ) return tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt="plain") + "\n" + bottom def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __len__(self): return len(self.values) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # necessary setter to allow metadata to be set as an attribute if self._initialized: if name in self._class_attributes: raise AttributeError( f"Cannot set attribute '{name}'; IntervalSet is immutable. Use 'set_info()' to set '{name}' as metadata." ) else: _MetadataMixin.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): # Necessary for backward compatibility with pickle # avoid infinite recursion when pickling due to # self._metadata.column having attributes '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__' if name in ("__getstate__", "__setstate__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__"): raise AttributeError(name) try: metadata = self._metadata except Exception: metadata = pd.DataFrame(index=self.index) if name == "_metadata": return metadata elif name in metadata.columns: return _MetadataMixin.__getattr__(self, name) else: return super().__getattr__(name) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self.columns: raise RuntimeError( "IntervalSet is immutable. Starts and ends have been already sorted." ) elif isinstance(key, str): _MetadataMixin.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: raise RuntimeError( "IntervalSet is immutable. Starts and ends have been already sorted." ) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): # self[str] if key == "start": return self.values[:, 0] elif key == "end": return self.values[:, 1] elif key in self._metadata.columns: return _MetadataMixin.__getitem__(self, key) else: raise IndexError( f"Unknown string argument. Should be in {['start', 'end'] + list(self._metadata.keys())}" ) elif isinstance(key, list) and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in key): # self[[*str]] # easiest to convert to dataframe and then slice # in case of mixing ["start", "end"] with metadata columns df = self.as_dataframe() if all(x in key for x in ["start", "end"]): return IntervalSet(df[key]) else: return df[key] elif isinstance(key, Number): # self[Number] output = self.values.__getitem__(key) metadata = self._metadata.iloc[key] return IntervalSet(start=output[0], end=output[1], metadata=metadata) elif isinstance(key, (slice, list, np.ndarray)): # self[array_like], use iloc for metadata output = self.values.__getitem__(key) metadata = self._metadata.iloc[key].reset_index(drop=True) return IntervalSet(start=output[:, 0], end=output[:, 1], metadata=metadata) elif isinstance(key, pd.Series): # use loc for metadata output = self.values.__getitem__(key) metadata = _MetadataMixin.__getitem__(self, key).reset_index(drop=True) return IntervalSet(start=output[:, 0], end=output[:, 1], metadata=metadata) elif isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) == 2: if isinstance(key[1], Number): # self[Any, Number] # allow number indexing for start and end times for backward compatibility return self.values.__getitem__(key) elif isinstance(key[1], str): # self[Any, str] if key[1] == "start": return self.values[key[0], 0] elif key[1] == "end": return self.values[key[0], 1] elif key[1] in self._metadata.columns: return _MetadataMixin.__getitem__(self, key) elif isinstance(key[1], (list, np.ndarray)): if all(isinstance(x, str) for x in key[1]): # self[Any, [*str]] # easiest to convert to dataframe and then slice # in case of mixing ["start", "end"] with metadata columns df = self.as_dataframe() if all(x in key[1] for x in ["start", "end"]): return IntervalSet(df.loc[key]) else: return df.loc[key] elif all(isinstance(x, Number) for x in key[1]): if all(x in [0, 1] for x in key[1]): # self[Any, [0,1]] # allow number indexing for start and end times for backward compatibility output = self.values.__getitem__(key[0]) if isinstance(key[0], Number): return IntervalSet(start=output[0], end=output[1]) else: return IntervalSet(start=output[:, 0], end=output[:, 1]) else: raise IndexError( f"index {key[1]} out of bounds for IntervalSet axis 1 with size 2" ) else: raise IndexError(f"unknown index {key[1]} for index 2") elif isinstance(key[1], slice): if key[1] == slice(None, None, None): # self[Any, :] output = self.values.__getitem__(key[0]) metadata = self._metadata.iloc[key[0]] if isinstance(key[0], Number): return IntervalSet( start=output[0], end=output[1], metadata=metadata ) else: return IntervalSet( start=output[:, 0], end=output[:, 1], metadata=metadata.reset_index(drop=True), ) elif (key[1] == slice(0, 2, None)) or ( key[1] == slice(None, 2, None) ): # self[Any, :2] # allow number indexing for start and end times for backward compatibility output = self.values.__getitem__(key[0]) if isinstance(key[0], Number): return IntervalSet(start=output[0], end=output[1]) else: return IntervalSet(start=output[:, 0], end=output[:, 1]) else: raise IndexError( f"index {key[1]} out of bounds for IntervalSet axis 1 with size 2" ) else: raise IndexError(f"unknown type {type(key[1])} for index 2") else: raise IndexError( "too many indices for IntervalSet: IntervalSet is 2-dimensional" ) else: raise IndexError(f"unknown type {type(key)} for index") def __array__(self, dtype=None): return self.values.astype(dtype) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs): new_args = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, self.__class__): new_args.append(a.values) else: new_args.append(a) out = ufunc(*new_args, **kwargs) if not nap_config.suppress_conversion_warnings: warnings.warn( "Converting IntervalSet to numpy.array", UserWarning, ) return out def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): new_args = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, self.__class__): new_args.append(a.values) else: new_args.append(a) out = func._implementation(*new_args, **kwargs) if not nap_config.suppress_conversion_warnings: warnings.warn( "Converting IntervalSet to numpy.array", UserWarning, ) return out @property def start(self): return self.values[:, 0] @property def end(self): return self.values[:, 1] @property def shape(self): return self.values.shape @property def ndim(self): return self.values.ndim @property def size(self): return self.values.size @property def starts(self): """Return the starts of the IntervalSet as a Ts object Returns ------- Ts The starts of the IntervalSet """ warnings.warn( "starts is a deprecated function. It will be removed in future versions", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) time_series = importlib.import_module(".time_series", "pynapple.core") return time_series.Ts(t=self.values[:, 0]) @property def ends(self): """Return the ends of the IntervalSet as a Ts object Returns ------- Ts The ends of the IntervalSet """ warnings.warn( "ends is a deprecated function. It will be removed in future versions", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) time_series = importlib.import_module(".time_series", "pynapple.core") return time_series.Ts(t=self.values[:, 1]) @property def loc(self): """ Slicing function to add compatibility with pandas DataFrame after removing it as a super class of IntervalSet """ return _IntervalSetSliceHelper(self) @classmethod def _from_npz_reader(cls, file): """Load an IntervalSet object from a npz file. The file should contain the keys 'start', 'end' and 'type'. The 'type' key should be 'IntervalSet'. Parameters ---------- file : NPZFile object opened npz file interface. Returns ------- IntervalSet The IntervalSet object """ ep = cls(start=file["start"], end=file["end"]) if "_metadata" in file: # load metadata if it exists if file["_metadata"]: # check that metadata is not empty metadata = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(file["_metadata"].item()) ep.set_info(metadata) return ep
[docs] def time_span(self): """ Time span of the interval set. Returns ------- out: IntervalSet an IntervalSet with a single interval encompassing the whole IntervalSet """ if len(self.metadata_columns): warnings.warn( "metadata incompatible with time_span method. dropping metadata from result", UserWarning, ) s = self.values[0, 0] e = self.values[-1, 1] return IntervalSet(s, e)
[docs] def tot_length(self, time_units="s"): """ Total elapsed time in the set. Parameters ---------- time_units : None, optional The time units to return the result in ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) Returns ------- out: float _ """ tot_l = np.sum(self.values[:, 1] - self.values[:, 0]) return TsIndex.return_timestamps(np.array([tot_l]), time_units)[0]
[docs] def intersect(self, a): """ Set intersection of IntervalSet Parameters ---------- a : IntervalSet the IntervalSet to intersect self with Returns ------- out: IntervalSet _ """ start1 = self.values[:, 0] end1 = self.values[:, 1] start2 = a.values[:, 0] end2 = a.values[:, 1] s, e, m = jitintersect(start1, end1, start2, end2) m1 = self._metadata.loc[m[:, 0]].reset_index(drop=True) m2 = a._metadata.loc[m[:, 1]].reset_index(drop=True) return IntervalSet(s, e, metadata=m1.join(m2))
[docs] def union(self, a): """ set union of IntervalSet Parameters ---------- a : IntervalSet the IntervalSet to union self with Returns ------- out: IntervalSet _ """ if len(self.metadata_columns): warnings.warn( "metadata incompatible with union method. dropping metadata from result", UserWarning, ) start1 = self.values[:, 0] end1 = self.values[:, 1] start2 = a.values[:, 0] end2 = a.values[:, 1] s, e = jitunion(start1, end1, start2, end2) return IntervalSet(s, e)
[docs] def set_diff(self, a): """ set difference of IntervalSet Parameters ---------- a : IntervalSet the IntervalSet to set-substract from self Returns ------- out: IntervalSet _ """ start1 = self.values[:, 0] end1 = self.values[:, 1] start2 = a.values[:, 0] end2 = a.values[:, 1] s, e, m = jitdiff(start1, end1, start2, end2) m1 = self._metadata.loc[m].reset_index(drop=True) return IntervalSet(s, e, metadata=m1)
[docs] def in_interval(self, tsd): """ finds out in which element of the interval set each point in a time series fits. NaNs for those that don't fit an interval Parameters ---------- tsd : Tsd The tsd to be binned Returns ------- out: numpy.ndarray an array with the interval index labels for each time stamp (NaN) for timestamps not in IntervalSet """ times = tsd.index.values starts = self.values[:, 0] ends = self.values[:, 1] return jitin_interval(times, starts, ends)
[docs] def drop_short_intervals(self, threshold, time_units="s"): """ Drops the short intervals in the interval set with duration shorter than `threshold`. Parameters ---------- threshold : numeric Time threshold for "short" intervals time_units : None, optional The time units for the treshold ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) Returns ------- out: IntervalSet A copied IntervalSet with the dropped intervals """ threshold = TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([threshold], dtype=np.float64), time_units )[0] return self[(self.values[:, 1] - self.values[:, 0]) > threshold]
[docs] def drop_long_intervals(self, threshold, time_units="s"): """ Drops the long intervals in the interval set with duration longer than `threshold`. Parameters ---------- threshold : numeric Time threshold for "long" intervals time_units : None, optional The time units for the treshold ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) Returns ------- out: IntervalSet A copied IntervalSet with the dropped intervals """ threshold = TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([threshold], dtype=np.float64), time_units )[0] return self[(self.values[:, 1] - self.values[:, 0]) < threshold]
[docs] def as_units(self, units="s"): """ returns a pandas DataFrame with time expressed in the desired unit Parameters ---------- units : None, optional 'us', 'ms', or 's' [default] Returns ------- out: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with adjusted times """ data = self.values.copy() data = TsIndex.return_timestamps(data, units) if units == "us": data = data.astype(np.int64) df = pd.DataFrame(index=self.index, data=data, columns=self.columns) return df
[docs] def merge_close_intervals(self, threshold, time_units="s"): """ Merges intervals that are very close. Parameters ---------- threshold : numeric time threshold for the closeness of the intervals time_units : None, optional time units for the threshold ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) Returns ------- out: IntervalSet a copied IntervalSet with merged intervals """ if len(self.metadata_columns): warnings.warn( "metadata incompatible with merge_close_intervals method. dropping metadata from result", UserWarning, ) if len(self) == 0: return IntervalSet(start=[], end=[]) threshold = TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array((threshold,), dtype=np.float64).ravel(), time_units )[0] start = self.values[:, 0] end = self.values[:, 1] tojoin = (start[1:] - end[0:-1]) > threshold start = np.hstack((start[0], start[1:][tojoin])) end = np.hstack((end[0:-1][tojoin], end[-1])) return IntervalSet(start=start, end=end)
[docs] def get_intervals_center(self, alpha=0.5): """ Returns by default the centers of each intervals. It is possible to bias the midpoint by changing the alpha parameter between [0, 1] For each epoch: t = start + (end-start)*alpha Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional The midpoint within each interval. Returns ------- Ts Timestamps object """ time_series = importlib.import_module(".time_series", "pynapple.core") starts = self.values[:, 0] ends = self.values[:, 1] if not isinstance(alpha, float): raise RuntimeError("Parameter alpha should be float type") alpha = np.clip(alpha, 0, 1) t = starts + (ends - starts) * alpha return time_series.Ts(t=t, time_support=self)
[docs] def as_dataframe(self): """ Convert the `IntervalSet` object to a pandas.DataFrame object. Returns ------- out: pandas.DataFrame _ """ df = pd.DataFrame(data=self.values, columns=["start", "end"]) return pd.concat([df, self._metadata], axis=1)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save IntervalSet object in npz format. The file will contain the starts and ends. The main purpose of this function is to save small/medium sized IntervalSet objects. For example, you determined some epochs for one session that you want to save to avoid recomputing them. You can load the object with `nap.load_file`. Keys are 'start', 'end' and 'type'. See the example below. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename Examples -------- >>> import pynapple as nap >>> import numpy as np >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=[0, 10, 20], end=[5, 12, 33]) >>>"my_ep.npz") To load you file, you can use the `nap.load_file` function : >>> ep = nap.load_file("my_path/my_ep.npz") >>> ep start end 0 0.0 5.0 1 10.0 12.0 2 20.0 33.0 Raises ------ RuntimeError If filename is not str, path does not exist or filename is a directory. """ np.savez( check_filename(filename), start=self.values[:, 0], end=self.values[:, 1], type=np.array(["IntervalSet"], dtype=np.str_), _metadata=self._metadata.to_dict(), # save metadata as dictionary ) return
[docs] def split(self, interval_size, time_units="s"): """Split `IntervalSet` to a new `IntervalSet` with each interval being of size `interval_size`. Used mostly for chunking very large dataset or looping throught multiple epoch of same duration. This function skips the epochs that are shorter than `interval_size`. Note that intervals are strictly non-overlapping in pynapple. One microsecond is removed from contiguous intervals. Parameters ---------- interval_size : Number Description time_units : str, optional time units for the `interval_size` ('us', 'ms', 's' [default]) Returns ------- IntervalSet New `IntervalSet` with equal sized intervals Raises ------ IOError If `interval_size` is not a Number or is below 0 If `time_units` is not a string """ if not isinstance(interval_size, Number): raise IOError("Argument interval_size should of type float or int") if not interval_size > 0: raise IOError("Argument interval_size should be strictly larger than 0") if not isinstance(time_units, str): raise IOError("Argument time_units should be of type str") if len(self) == 0: return IntervalSet(start=[], end=[]) interval_size = TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array((interval_size,), dtype=np.float64).ravel(), time_units )[0] interval_size = np.round(interval_size, nap_config.time_index_precision) durations = np.round(self.end - self.start, nap_config.time_index_precision) idxs = np.where(durations > interval_size)[0] size_tmp = ( np.ceil((self.end[idxs] - self.start[idxs]) / interval_size) ).astype(int) + 1 new_starts = np.full(size_tmp.sum() - size_tmp.shape[0], np.nan) new_ends = np.full(size_tmp.sum() - size_tmp.shape[0], np.nan) new_meta = np.full(size_tmp.sum() - size_tmp.shape[0], np.nan) i0 = 0 for cnt, idx in enumerate(idxs): # repeat metainfo for each new interval new_meta[i0 : i0 + size_tmp[cnt] - 1] = idx new_starts[i0 : i0 + size_tmp[cnt] - 1] = np.arange( self.start[idx], self.end[idx], interval_size ) new_ends[i0 : i0 + size_tmp[cnt] - 2] = new_starts[ i0 + 1 : i0 + size_tmp[cnt] - 1 ] new_ends[i0 + size_tmp[cnt] - 2] = self.end[idx] i0 += size_tmp[cnt] - 1 new_starts = np.round(new_starts, nap_config.time_index_precision) new_ends = np.round(new_ends, nap_config.time_index_precision) durations = np.round(new_ends - new_starts, nap_config.time_index_precision) tokeep = durations >= interval_size new_starts = new_starts[tokeep] new_ends = new_ends[tokeep] new_meta = new_meta[tokeep] metadata = self._metadata.loc[new_meta].reset_index(drop=True) # Removing 1 microsecond to have strictly non-overlapping intervals for intervals coming from the same epoch new_ends -= 1e-6 return IntervalSet(new_starts, new_ends, metadata=metadata)
[docs] @add_meta_docstring("set_info") def set_info(self, metadata=None, **kwargs): """ Examples -------- >>> import pynapple as nap >>> import numpy as np >>> times = np.array([[0, 5], [10, 12], [20, 33]]) >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(times) To add metadata with a pandas.DataFrame: >>> import pandas as pd >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame(data=['left','right','left'], columns=['choice']) >>> ep.set_info(metadata) >>> ep index start end choice 0 0 5 left 1 10 12 right 2 20 33 left shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. To add metadata with a dictionary: >>> metadata = {"reward": [1, 0, 1]} >>> ep.set_info(metadata) >>> ep index start end choice reward 0 0 5 left 1 1 10 12 right 0 2 20 33 left 1 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. To add metadata with a keyword argument (pd.Series, numpy.ndarray, list or tuple): >>> stim = pd.Series(data = [10, -23, 12]) >>> ep.set_info(stim=stim) >>> ep index start end choice reward stim 0 0 5 left 1 10 1 10 12 right 0 -23 2 20 33 left 1 12 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. To add metadata as an attribute: >>> ep.label = ["a", "b", "c"] >>> ep index start end choice reward label 0 0 5 left 1 a 1 10 12 right 0 b 2 20 33 left 1 c shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. To add metadata as a key: >>> ep["error"] = [0, 0, 0] >>> ep index start end choice reward label error 0 0 5 left 1 a 0 1 10 12 right 0 b 0 2 20 33 left 1 c 0 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. Metadata can be overwritten: >>> ep.set_info(label=["x", "y", "z"]) >>> ep index start end choice reward label error 0 0 5 left 1 x 0 1 10 12 right 0 y 0 2 20 33 left 1 z 0 shape: (3, 2), time unit: sec. """ _MetadataMixin.set_info(self, metadata, **kwargs)
[docs] @add_meta_docstring("get_info") def get_info(self, key): """ Examples -------- >>> import pynapple as nap >>> import numpy as np >>> times = np.array([[0, 5], [10, 12], [20, 33]]) >>> metadata = {"l1": [1, 2, 3], "l2": ["x", "x", "y"]} >>> ep = nap.IntervalSet(tmp,metadata=metadata) To access a single metadata column: >>> ep.get_info("l1") 0 1 1 2 2 3 Name: l1, dtype: int64 To access multiple metadata columns: >>> ep.get_info(["l1", "l2"]) l1 l2 0 1 x 1 2 x 2 3 y To access metadata of a single index: >>> ep.get_info(0) rate 0.667223 l1 1 l2 x Name: 0, dtype: object To access metadata of multiple indices: >>> ep.get_info([0, 1]) rate l1 l2 0 0.667223 1 x 1 1.334445 2 x To access metadata of a single index and column: >>> ep.get_info((0, "l1")) np.int64(1) To access metadata as an attribute: >>> ep.l1 0 1 1 2 2 3 Name: l1, dtype: int64 To access metadata as a key: >>> ep["l1"] 0 1 1 2 2 3 Name: l1, dtype: int64 Multiple metadata columns can be accessed as keys: >>> ep[["l1", "l2"]] l1 l2 0 1 x 1 2 x 2 3 y """ return _MetadataMixin.get_info(self, key)