Source code for pynapple.process.decoding

Decoding functions for timestamps data (spike times). The first argument is always a tuning curves object.

import numpy as np

from .. import core as nap

[docs] def decode_1d(tuning_curves, group, ep, bin_size, time_units="s", feature=None): """ Perform Bayesian decoding over a one dimensional feature. See: Zhang, K., Ginzburg, I., McNaughton, B. L., & Sejnowski, T. J. (1998). Interpreting neuronal population activity by reconstruction: unified framework with application to hippocampal place cells. Journal of neurophysiology, 79(2), 1017-1044. Parameters ---------- tuning_curves : pandas.DataFrame Each column is the tuning curve of one neuron relative to the feature. Index should be the center of the bin. group : TsGroup, TsdFrame or dict of Ts/Tsd object. A group of neurons with the same index as tuning curves column names. You may also pass a TsdFrame with smoothed rates (recommended). ep : IntervalSet The epoch on which decoding is computed bin_size : float Bin size. Default is second. Use the parameter time_units to change it. time_units : str, optional Time unit of the bin size ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). feature : Tsd, optional The 1d feature used to compute the tuning curves. Used to correct for occupancy. If feature is not passed, the occupancy is uniform. Returns ------- Tsd The decoded feature TsdFrame The probability distribution of the decoded feature for each time bin Raises ------ RuntimeError If group is not a dict of Ts/Tsd or TsGroup. If different size of neurons for tuning_curves and group. If indexes don't match between tuning_curves and group. """ if isinstance(group, nap.TsdFrame): newgroup = group.restrict(ep) if tuning_curves.shape[1] != newgroup.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError("Different shapes for tuning_curves and group") if not np.all(tuning_curves.columns.values == np.array(newgroup.columns)): raise RuntimeError("Different indices for tuning curves and group keys") count = group elif isinstance(group, nap.TsGroup): newgroup = group.restrict(ep) if tuning_curves.shape[1] != len(newgroup): raise RuntimeError("Different shapes for tuning_curves and group") if not np.all(tuning_curves.columns.values == np.array(newgroup.keys())): raise RuntimeError("Different indices for tuning curves and group keys") # Bin spikes count = newgroup.count(bin_size, ep, time_units) elif isinstance(group, dict): newgroup = nap.TsGroup(group, time_support=ep) count = newgroup.count(bin_size, ep, time_units) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown format for group") # Occupancy if feature is None: occupancy = np.ones(tuning_curves.shape[0]) elif isinstance(feature, nap.Tsd): diff = np.diff(tuning_curves.index.values) bins = tuning_curves.index.values[:-1] - diff / 2 bins = np.hstack( (bins, [bins[-1] + diff[-1], bins[-1] + 2 * diff[-1]]) ) # assuming the size of the last 2 bins is equal occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.values, bins) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown format for feature in decode_1d") # Transforming to pure numpy array tc = tuning_curves.values ct = count.values bin_size_s = nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([bin_size], dtype=np.float64), time_units )[0] p1 = np.exp(-bin_size_s * tc.sum(1)) p2 = occupancy / occupancy.sum() ct2 = np.tile(ct[:, np.newaxis, :], (1, tc.shape[0], 1)) p3 =**ct2, -1) p = p1 * p2 * p3 p = p / p.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis] idxmax = np.argmax(p, 1) p = nap.TsdFrame( t=count.index, d=p, time_support=ep, columns=tuning_curves.index.values ) decoded = nap.Tsd( t=count.index, d=tuning_curves.index.values[idxmax], time_support=ep ) return decoded, p
[docs] def decode_2d(tuning_curves, group, ep, bin_size, xy, time_units="s", features=None): """ Performs Bayesian decoding over 2 dimensional features. See: Zhang, K., Ginzburg, I., McNaughton, B. L., & Sejnowski, T. J. (1998). Interpreting neuronal population activity by reconstruction: unified framework with application to hippocampal place cells. Journal of neurophysiology, 79(2), 1017-1044. Parameters ---------- tuning_curves : dict Dictionary of 2d tuning curves (one for each neuron). group : TsGroup, TsdFrame or dict of Ts/Tsd object. A group of neurons with the same keys as tuning_curves dictionary. You may also pass a TsdFrame with smoothed rates (recommended). ep : IntervalSet The epoch on which decoding is computed bin_size : float Bin size. Default is second. Use the parameter time_units to change it. xy : tuple A tuple of bin positions for the tuning curves i.e. xy=(x,y) time_units : str, optional Time unit of the bin size ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). features : TsdFrame The 2 columns features used to compute the tuning curves. Used to correct for occupancy. If feature is not passed, the occupancy is uniform. Returns ------- Tsd The decoded feature in 2d numpy.ndarray The probability distribution of the decoded trajectory for each time bin Raises ------ RuntimeError If group is not a dict of Ts/Tsd or TsGroup. If different size of neurons for tuning_curves and group. If indexes don't match between tuning_curves and group. """ if type(group) is nap.TsdFrame: newgroup = group.restrict(ep) numcells = newgroup.shape[1] if len(tuning_curves) != numcells: raise RuntimeError("Different shapes for tuning_curves and group") if not np.all( np.array(list(tuning_curves.keys())) == np.array(newgroup.columns) ): raise RuntimeError("Different indices for tuning curves and group keys") count = group elif type(group) is nap.TsGroup: newgroup = group.restrict(ep) numcells = len(newgroup) if len(tuning_curves) != numcells: raise RuntimeError("Different shapes for tuning_curves and group") if not np.all( np.array(list(tuning_curves.keys())) == np.array(newgroup.keys()) ): raise RuntimeError("Different indices for tuning curves and group keys") count = newgroup.count(bin_size, ep, time_units) elif type(group) is dict: newgroup = nap.TsGroup(group, time_support=ep) count = newgroup.count(bin_size, ep, time_units) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown format for group") indexes = list(tuning_curves.keys()) # Occupancy if features is None: occupancy = np.ones_like(tuning_curves[indexes[0]]).flatten() else: binsxy = [] for i in range(len(xy)): diff = np.diff(xy[i]) bins = xy[i][:-1] - diff / 2 bins = np.hstack( (bins, [bins[-1] + diff[-1], bins[-1] + 2 * diff[-1]]) ) # assuming the size of the last 2 bins is equal binsxy.append(bins) occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d( features[:, 0].values, features[:, 1].values, [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]] ) occupancy = occupancy.flatten() # Transforming to pure numpy array tc = np.array([tuning_curves[i] for i in tuning_curves.keys()]) tc = tc.reshape(tc.shape[0],[1:])) tc = tc.T ct = count.values bin_size_s = nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([bin_size], dtype=np.float64), time_units )[0] p1 = np.exp(-bin_size_s * np.nansum(tc, 1)) p2 = occupancy / occupancy.sum() ct2 = np.tile(ct[:, np.newaxis, :], (1, tc.shape[0], 1)) p3 = np.nanprod(tc**ct2, -1) p = p1 * p2 * p3 p = p / p.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis] idxmax = np.argmax(p, 1) p = p.reshape(p.shape[0], len(xy[0]), len(xy[1])) idxmax2d = np.unravel_index(idxmax, (len(xy[0]), len(xy[1]))) if features is not None: cols = features.columns else: cols = np.arange(2) decoded = nap.TsdFrame( t=count.index, d=np.vstack((xy[0][idxmax2d[0]], xy[1][idxmax2d[1]])).T, time_support=ep, columns=cols, ) return decoded, p