Source code for pynapple.process.perievent

"""Functions to realign time series relative to a reference time."""

import numpy as np

from .. import core as nap
from ._process_functions import _perievent_continuous, _perievent_trigger_average

def _align_tsd(tsd, tref, window, time_support):
    Helper function compiled with numba for aligning times.
    See compute_perievent for using this function

    times : numpy.ndarray
        The timestamps to align
    data : numpy.ndarray
        The data to align
    tref : numpy.ndarray
        The reference times
    windowsize : tuple
        Start and end of the window size around tref

        The align times and data
    lbounds = np.searchsorted(tsd.index, tref.index - window[0])
    rbounds = np.searchsorted(tsd.index, tref.index + window[1])

    group = {}

    if isinstance(tsd, nap.Ts):
        for i in range(len(tref)):
            tmp = tsd.index[lbounds[i] : rbounds[i]] - tref.index[i]
            group[i] = nap.Ts(t=tmp, time_support=time_support)
        for i in range(len(tref)):
            tmp = tsd.index[lbounds[i] : rbounds[i]] - tref.index[i]
            tmp2 = tsd.values[lbounds[i] : rbounds[i]]
            group[i] = nap.Tsd(t=tmp, d=tmp2, time_support=time_support)

    group = nap.TsGroup(group, time_support=time_support, bypass_check=True)

    return group

[docs] def compute_perievent(data, tref, minmax, time_unit="s"): """ Center the timestamps of a time series object or a time series group around the timestamps given by the `tref` argument. `minmax` indicates the start and end of the window. If `minmax=(-5, 10)`, the window will be from -5 second to 10 second. If `minmax=10`, the window will be from -10 second to 10 second. To center continuous time series around a set of timestamps, you can use `compute_perievent_continuous`. Parameters ---------- data : Ts, Tsd or TsGroup The data to align to tref. If Ts/Tsd, returns a TsGroup. If TsGroup, returns a dictionary of TsGroup tref : Ts or Tsd The timestamps of the event to align to minmax : tuple, int or float The window size. Can be unequal on each side i.e. (-500, 1000). time_unit : str, optional Time units of the minmax ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). Returns ------- dict A TsGroup if data is a Ts/Tsd or a dictionary of TsGroup if data is a TsGroup. Raises ------ RuntimeError if tref is not a Ts/Tsd object or if data is not a Ts/Tsd or TsGroup """ assert isinstance(tref, (nap.Ts, nap.Tsd)), "tref should be a Ts or Tsd object." assert isinstance( data, (nap.Ts, nap.Tsd, nap.TsGroup) ), "data should be a Ts, Tsd or TsGroup." assert isinstance( minmax, (float, int, tuple) ), "minmax should be a tuple or int or float." assert isinstance(time_unit, str), "time_unit should be a str." assert time_unit in ["s", "ms", "us"], "time_unit should be 's', 'ms' or 'us'" if isinstance(minmax, float) or isinstance(minmax, int): minmax = np.array([minmax, minmax], dtype=np.float64) window = np.abs(nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps(np.array(minmax), time_unit)) time_support = nap.IntervalSet(start=-window[0], end=window[1]) if isinstance(data, nap.TsGroup): toreturn = {} for n in data.index: toreturn[n] = _align_tsd(data[n], tref, window, time_support) return toreturn else: return _align_tsd(data, tref, window, time_support)
[docs] def compute_perievent_continuous(data, tref, minmax, ep=None, time_unit="s"): """ Center continuous time series around the timestamps given by the 'tref' argument. `minmax` indicates the start and end of the window. If `minmax=(-5, 10)`, the window will be from -5 second to 10 second. If `minmax=10`, the window will be from -10 second to 10 second. To realign timestamps around a set of timestamps, you can use `compute_perievent_continuous`. This function assumes a constant sampling rate of the time series. Parameters ---------- data : Tsd, TsdFrame or TsdTensor The data to align to tref. tref : Ts or Tsd The timestamps of the event to align to minmax : tuple or int or float The window size. Can be unequal on each side i.e. (-500, 1000). ep : IntervalSet, optional The epochs to perform the operation. If None, the default is the time support of the data. time_unit : str, optional Time units of the minmax ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). Returns ------- TsdFrame, TsdTensor If `data` is a one-dimensional Tsd, the output is a TsdFrame. Each column is one timestamps from `tref`. If `data` is a TsdFrame or TsdTensor, the output is a TsdTensor with one more dimension. The first dimension is always time and the second dimension is the 'tref' timestamps. Raises ------ RuntimeError if tref is not a Ts/Tsd object or if data is not a Tsd/TsdFrame/TsdTensor object. """ assert isinstance(tref, (nap.Ts, nap.Tsd)), "tref should be a Ts or Tsd object." assert isinstance( data, (nap.Tsd, nap.TsdFrame, nap.TsdTensor) ), "data should be a Tsd, TsdFrame or TsdTensor." assert isinstance( minmax, (float, int, tuple) ), "minmax should be a tuple or int or float." assert isinstance(time_unit, str), "time_unit should be a str." assert time_unit in ["s", "ms", "us"], "time_unit should be 's', 'ms' or 'us'" if ep is None: ep = data.time_support else: assert isinstance(ep, (nap.IntervalSet)), "ep should be an IntervalSet object." if isinstance(minmax, float) or isinstance(minmax, int): minmax = np.array([minmax, minmax], dtype=np.float64) window = np.abs(nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps(np.array(minmax), time_unit)) time_array = data.index.values data_array = data.values time_target_array = tref.index.values starts = ep.start ends = ep.end binsize = time_array[1] - time_array[0] idx1 = -np.arange(0, window[0] + binsize, binsize)[::-1][:-1] idx2 = np.arange(0, window[1] + binsize, binsize)[1:] time_idx = np.hstack((idx1, np.zeros(1), idx2)) windowsize = np.array([idx1.shape[0], idx2.shape[0]]) new_data_array = _perievent_continuous( time_array, data_array, time_target_array, starts, ends, windowsize ) time_support = nap.IntervalSet(start=-window[0], end=window[1]) if new_data_array.ndim == 2: return nap.TsdFrame(t=time_idx, d=new_data_array, time_support=time_support) else: return nap.TsdTensor(t=time_idx, d=new_data_array, time_support=time_support)
[docs] def compute_event_trigger_average( group, feature, binsize, windowsize=None, ep=None, time_unit="s", ): """ Bin the event timestamps within binsize and compute the Event Trigger Average (ETA) within windowsize. If C is the event count matrix and `feature` is a Tsd array, the function computes the Hankel matrix H from windowsize=(-t1,+t2) by offseting the Tsd array. The ETA is then defined as the dot product between H and C divided by the number of events. The object feature can be any dimensions. Parameters ---------- group : TsGroup The group of Ts/Tsd objects that hold the trigger time. feature : Tsd, TsdFrame or TsdTensor The feature to average. binsize : float or int The bin size. Default is second. If different, specify with the parameter time_unit ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). windowsize : tuple of float/int or float/int The window size. Default is second. For example windowsize = (-1, 1) is equivalent to windowsize = 1 If different, specify with the parameter time_unit ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). ep : IntervalSet The epochs on which the average is computed time_unit : str, optional The time unit of the parameters. They have to be consistent for binsize and windowsize. ('s' [default], 'ms', 'us'). """ assert isinstance(group, nap.TsGroup), "group should be a TsGroup." assert isinstance( feature, (nap.Tsd, nap.TsdFrame, nap.TsdTensor) ), "Feature should be a Tsd, TsdFrame or TsdTensor" assert isinstance(binsize, (float, int)), "binsize should be int or float." assert isinstance(time_unit, str), "time_unit should be a str." assert time_unit in ["s", "ms", "us"], "time_unit should be 's', 'ms' or 'us'" if windowsize is not None: if isinstance(windowsize, tuple): assert ( len(windowsize) == 2 ), "windowsize should be a tuple of 2 elements (-t, +t)" assert all( [isinstance(t, (float, int)) for t in windowsize] ), "windowsize should be a tuple of int/float" else: assert isinstance( windowsize, (float, int) ), "windowsize should be a tuple of int/float or int/float." windowsize = (windowsize, windowsize) else: windowsize = (0.0, 0.0) if ep is not None: assert isinstance(ep, (nap.IntervalSet)), "ep should be an IntervalSet object." else: ep = feature.time_support binsize = nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([binsize], dtype=np.float64), time_unit )[0] start = np.abs( nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([windowsize[0]], dtype=np.float64), time_unit )[0] ) end = np.abs( nap.TsIndex.format_timestamps( np.array([windowsize[1]], dtype=np.float64), time_unit )[0] ) idx1 = -np.arange(0, start + binsize, binsize)[::-1][:-1] idx2 = np.arange(0, end + binsize, binsize)[1:] time_idx = np.hstack((idx1, np.zeros(1), idx2)) eta = np.zeros((time_idx.shape[0], len(group), *feature.shape[1:])) windows = np.array([len(idx1), len(idx2)]) # Bin the spike train count = group.count(binsize, ep) time_target_array = np.round(count.index.values - (binsize / 2), 9) count_array = count.values starts = ep.start ends = ep.end time_array = feature.index.values data_array = feature.values eta = _perievent_trigger_average( time_target_array, count_array, time_array, data_array, starts, ends, windows, binsize, ) if eta.ndim == 2: return nap.TsdFrame(t=time_idx, d=eta, columns=group.index) else: return nap.TsdTensor(t=time_idx, d=eta)