Source code for pynapple.process.tuning_curves

Functions to compute tuning curves for features in 1 dimension or 2 dimension.


import inspect
import warnings
from import Iterable
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .. import core as nap

def _validate_tuning_inputs(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Validate each positional argument
        sig = inspect.signature(func)
        kwargs = sig.bind_partial(*args, **kwargs).arguments

        if "feature" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["feature"], (nap.Tsd, nap.TsdFrame)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "feature should be a Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)"
            if (
                isinstance(kwargs["feature"], nap.TsdFrame)
                and not kwargs["feature"].shape[1] == 1
                raise ValueError(
                    "feature should be a Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)"
        if "features" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["features"], nap.TsdFrame):
                raise TypeError("features should be a TsdFrame with 2 columns")
            if not kwargs["features"].shape[1] == 2:
                raise ValueError("features should have 2 columns only.")
        if "nb_bins" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["nb_bins"], (int, tuple)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "nb_bins should be of type int (or tuple with (int, int) for 2D tuning curves)."
        if "group" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["group"], nap.TsGroup):
                raise TypeError("group should be a TsGroup.")
        if "ep" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["ep"], nap.IntervalSet):
                raise TypeError("ep should be an IntervalSet")
        if "minmax" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["minmax"], Iterable):
                raise TypeError("minmax should be a tuple/list of 2 numbers")
        if "dict_ep" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["dict_ep"], dict):
                raise TypeError("dict_ep should be a dictionary of IntervalSet")
            if not all(
                [isinstance(v, nap.IntervalSet) for v in kwargs["dict_ep"].values()]
                raise TypeError("dict_ep argument should contain only IntervalSet.")
        if "tc" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["tc"], (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Argument tc should be of type pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray"
        if "dict_tc" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["dict_tc"], (dict, np.ndarray)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Argument dict_tc should be a dictionary of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray."
        if "bitssec" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["bitssec"], bool):
                raise TypeError("Argument bitssec should be of type bool")
        if "tsdframe" in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs["tsdframe"], (nap.Tsd, nap.TsdFrame)):
                raise TypeError("Argument tsdframe should be of type Tsd or TsdFrame.")
        # Call the original function with validated inputs
        return func(**kwargs)

    return wrapper

[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_discrete_tuning_curves(group, dict_ep): """ Compute discrete tuning curves of a TsGroup using a dictionary of epochs. The function returns a pandas DataFrame with each row being a key of the dictionary of epochs and each column being a neurons. This function can typically being used for a set of stimulus being presented for multiple epochs. An example of the dictionary is : >>> dict_ep = { "stim0": nap.IntervalSet(start=0, end=1), "stim1":nap.IntervalSet(start=2, end=3) } In this case, the function will return a pandas DataFrame : >>> tc neuron0 neuron1 neuron2 stim0 0 Hz 1 Hz 2 Hz stim1 3 Hz 4 Hz 5 Hz Parameters ---------- group : nap.TsGroup The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed dict_ep : dict Dictionary of IntervalSets Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Table of firing rate for each neuron and each IntervalSet Raises ------ RuntimeError If group is not a TsGroup object. """ idx = np.sort(list(dict_ep.keys())) tuning_curves = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=list(group.keys()), data=0.0) for k in dict_ep.keys(): for n in group.keys(): tuning_curves.loc[k, n] = float(len(group[n].restrict(dict_ep[k]))) tuning_curves.loc[k] = tuning_curves.loc[k] / dict_ep[k].tot_length("s") return tuning_curves
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_1d_tuning_curves(group, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None): """ Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 1d feature. Parameters ---------- group : TsGroup The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only) The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction) nb_bins : int Number of bins in the tuning curve ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame to hold the tuning curves Raises ------ RuntimeError If group is not a TsGroup object. """ if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 2: raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 2.") if ep is None: ep = feature.time_support if minmax is None: bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins + 1) else: bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins + 1) idx = bins[0:-1] + np.diff(bins) / 2 tuning_curves = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=list(group.keys())) group_value = group.value_from(feature, ep) occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.restrict(ep).values, bins) for k in group_value: count, _ = np.histogram(group_value[k].values, bins) count = count / occupancy tuning_curves[k] = count tuning_curves[k] = count * feature.rate return tuning_curves
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_2d_tuning_curves(group, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None): """ Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d features Parameters ---------- group : TsGroup The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed features : TsdFrame The 2d features (i.e. 2 columns features). nb_bins : int or tuple Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided) ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves given as: (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing: \n tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).\n xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions Raises ------ RuntimeError If group is not a TsGroup object or if features is not 2 columns only. """ if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 4: raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 4.") if isinstance(nb_bins, tuple) and len(nb_bins) != 2: raise ValueError( "nb_bins should be of type int (or tuple with (int, int) for 2D tuning curves)." ) if isinstance(nb_bins, int): nb_bins = (nb_bins, nb_bins) if ep is None: ep = features.time_support else: features = features.restrict(ep) groups_value = {} binsxy = {} for i in range(2): groups_value[i] = group.value_from(features[:, i], ep) if minmax is None: bins = np.linspace( np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i] + 1 ) else: bins = np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i] + 1) binsxy[i] = bins occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d( features[:, 0].values.flatten(), features[:, 1].values.flatten(), [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]], ) tc = {} for n in group.keys(): count, _, _ = np.histogram2d( groups_value[0][n].values.flatten(), groups_value[1][n].values.flatten(), [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]], ) count = count / occupancy tc[n] = count * features.rate xy = [binsxy[i][0:-1] + np.diff(binsxy[i]) / 2 for i in range(2)] return tc, xy
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_1d_mutual_info(tc, feature, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False): """ Mutual information of a tuning curve computed from a 1-d feature. See: Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993). An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037). Parameters ---------- tc : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray Tuning curves in columns feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only) The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction) ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature bitssec : bool, optional By default, the function return bits per spikes. Set to true for bits per seconds Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes) """ if isinstance(tc, pd.DataFrame): columns = tc.columns.values fx = np.atleast_2d(tc.values) else: fx = np.atleast_2d(tc) columns = np.arange(tc.shape[1]) nb_bins = tc.shape[0] + 1 if minmax is None: bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins) else: bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins) if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet): occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.restrict(ep).values, bins) else: occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.values, bins) occupancy = occupancy / occupancy.sum() occupancy = occupancy[:, np.newaxis] fr = np.sum(fx * occupancy, 0) fxfr = fx / fr with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") logfx = np.log2(fxfr) logfx[np.isinf(logfx)] = 0.0 SI = np.sum(occupancy * fx * logfx, 0) if bitssec: SI = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=["SI"], data=SI) return SI else: SI = SI / fr SI = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=["SI"], data=SI) return SI
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_2d_mutual_info(dict_tc, features, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False): """ Mutual information of a tuning curve computed from 2-d features. See: Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993). An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037). Parameters ---------- dict_tc : dict of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray If array, first dimension should be the neuron features : TsdFrame The 2 columns features that were used to compute the tuning curves ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features bitssec : bool, optional By default, the function return bits per spikes. Set to true for bits per seconds Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes) """ # A bit tedious here if type(dict_tc) is dict: fx = np.array([dict_tc[i] for i in dict_tc.keys()]) idx = list(dict_tc.keys()) else: fx = dict_tc idx = np.arange(len(dict_tc)) nb_bins = (fx.shape[1] + 1, fx.shape[2] + 1) bins = [] for i in range(2): if minmax is None: bins.append( np.linspace( np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i] ) ) else: bins.append( np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i]) ) if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet): features = features.restrict(ep) occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d( features[:, 0].values.flatten(), features[:, 1].values.flatten(), [bins[0], bins[1]], ) occupancy = occupancy / occupancy.sum() fr = np.nansum(fx * occupancy, (1, 2)) fr = fr[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] fxfr = fx / fr with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") logfx = np.log2(fxfr) logfx[np.isinf(logfx)] = 0.0 SI = np.nansum(occupancy * fx * logfx, (1, 2)) if bitssec: SI = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["SI"], data=SI) return SI else: SI = SI / fr[:, 0, 0] SI = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["SI"], data=SI) return SI
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous( tsdframe, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None ): """ Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a feature with continuous data. Parameters ---------- tsdframe : Tsd or TsdFrame Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron) feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only) The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction) nb_bins : int Number of bins in the tuning curves ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame to hold the tuning curves Raises ------ RuntimeError If tsdframe is not a Tsd or a TsdFrame object. """ if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 2: raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 2.") if isinstance(tsdframe, nap.Tsd): tsdframe = tsdframe[:, np.newaxis] feature = np.squeeze(feature) if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet): feature = feature.restrict(ep) tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(ep) else: tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(feature.time_support) if minmax is None: bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins + 1) else: bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins + 1) align_times = tsdframe.value_from(feature) idx = np.digitize(align_times.values, bins) - 1 tc = np.zeros((len(bins) - 1, tsdframe.shape[1])) for i in range(0, nb_bins): tc[i] = np.mean(tsdframe.values[idx == i], axis=0) tc[np.isnan(tc)] = 0.0 # Assigning nans if bin is not visited. occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature, bins) tc[occupancy == 0.0] = np.nan tc = pd.DataFrame( index=bins[0:-1] + np.diff(bins) / 2, data=tc, columns=tsdframe.columns ) return tc
[docs] @_validate_tuning_inputs def compute_2d_tuning_curves_continuous( tsdframe, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None ): """ Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d feature with continuous data. Parameters ---------- tsdframe : Tsd or TsdFrame Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron) features : TsdFrame The 2d feature (two columns) nb_bins : int or tuple Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided) ep : IntervalSet, optional The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature. minmax : tuple or list, optional The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. Should be a tuple of minx, maxx, miny, maxy If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing: \n tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).\n xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions Raises ------ RuntimeError If tsdframe is not a Tsd/TsdFrame or if features is not 2 columns """ if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 4: raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 4.") if isinstance(nb_bins, tuple) and len(nb_bins) != 2: raise ValueError( "nb_bins should be of type int (or tuple with (int, int) for 2D tuning curves)." ) if isinstance(tsdframe, nap.Tsd): tsdframe = tsdframe[:, np.newaxis] if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet): features = features.restrict(ep) tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(ep) else: tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(features.time_support) if isinstance(nb_bins, int): nb_bins = (nb_bins, nb_bins) binsxy = [] idxs = [] for i in range(2): if minmax is None: bins = np.linspace( np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i] + 1 ) else: bins = np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i] + 1) align_times = tsdframe.value_from(features[:, i], ep) idxs.append(np.digitize(align_times.values.flatten(), bins) - 1) binsxy.append(bins) idxs = np.transpose(np.array(idxs)) tc = np.zeros((tsdframe.shape[1], nb_bins[0], nb_bins[1])) for i in range(nb_bins[0]): for j in range(nb_bins[1]): tc[:, i, j] = np.mean( tsdframe.values[np.logical_and(idxs[:, 0] == i, idxs[:, 1] == j)], 0 ) tc[np.isnan(tc)] = 0.0 # Assigning nans if bin is not visited. occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d( features[:, 0].values.flatten(), features[:, 1].values.flatten(), [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]], ) occupancy = occupancy[np.newaxis, :, :] occupancy = np.repeat(occupancy, len(tc), axis=0) tc[occupancy == 0.0] = np.nan xy = [binsxy[i][0:-1] + np.diff(binsxy[i]) / 2 for i in range(2)] tc = {c: tc[i] for i, c in enumerate(tsdframe.columns)} return tc, xy