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Tuning curves


You can compute tuning curves for features in 1 dimension or 2 dimension.

Function Description
nap.compute_discrete_tuning_curves Firing rate from a dictionnary of IntervalSet
compute_1d_tuning_curves Firing rate as a function of a 1-d feature
compute_2d_tuning_curves Firing rate as a function of a 2-d features
compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous Mean value as a function of a 1-d feature
compute_2d_tuning_curves_continuous Mean value as a function of a 2-d features
compute_1d_mutual_info Mutual information of a tuning curve computed from a 1-d feature.
compute_2d_mutual_info Mutual information of a tuning curve computed from a 2-d features.


compute_discrete_tuning_curves(group, dict_ep)

Compute discrete tuning curves of a TsGroup using a dictionary of epochs. The function returns a pandas DataFrame with each row being a key of the dictionary of epochs and each column being a neurons.

This function can typically being used for a set of stimulus being presented for multiple epochs. An example of the dictionary is :

>>> dict_ep =  {
        "stim0": nap.IntervalSet(start=0, end=1),
        "stim1":nap.IntervalSet(start=2, end=3)

In this case, the function will return a pandas DataFrame :

>>> tc
           neuron0    neuron1    neuron2
stim0        0 Hz       1 Hz       2 Hz
stim1        3 Hz       4 Hz       5 Hz


Name Type Description Default
group TsGroup

The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed

dict_ep dict

Dictionary of IntervalSets



Type Description

Table of firing rate for each neuron and each IntervalSet


Type Description

If group is not a TsGroup object.

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_discrete_tuning_curves(group, dict_ep):
    Compute discrete tuning curves of a TsGroup using a dictionary of epochs.
    The function returns a pandas DataFrame with each row being a key of the dictionary of epochs
    and each column being a neurons.

       This function can typically being used for a set of stimulus being presented for multiple epochs.
    An example of the dictionary is :

        >>> dict_ep =  {
                "stim0": nap.IntervalSet(start=0, end=1),
                "stim1":nap.IntervalSet(start=2, end=3)
    In this case, the function will return a pandas DataFrame :

        >>> tc
                   neuron0    neuron1    neuron2
        stim0        0 Hz       1 Hz       2 Hz
        stim1        3 Hz       4 Hz       5 Hz

    group : nap.TsGroup
        The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed
    dict_ep : dict
        Dictionary of IntervalSets

        Table of firing rate for each neuron and each IntervalSet

        If group is not a TsGroup object.
    idx = np.sort(list(dict_ep.keys()))
    tuning_curves = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=list(group.keys()), data=0.0)

    for k in dict_ep.keys():
        for n in group.keys():
            tuning_curves.loc[k, n] = float(len(group[n].restrict(dict_ep[k])))

        tuning_curves.loc[k] = tuning_curves.loc[k] / dict_ep[k].tot_length("s")

    return tuning_curves


    group, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None

Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 1d feature.


Name Type Description Default
group TsGroup

The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed

feature Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)

The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)

nb_bins int

Number of bins in the tuning curve

ep IntervalSet

The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature



Type Description

DataFrame to hold the tuning curves


Type Description

If group is not a TsGroup object.

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_1d_tuning_curves(group, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None):
    Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 1d feature.

    group : TsGroup
        The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed
    feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)
        The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)
    nb_bins : int
        Number of bins in the tuning curve
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch on which tuning curves are computed.
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves.
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature

        DataFrame to hold the tuning curves

        If group is not a TsGroup object.

    if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 2:
        raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 2.")
    if ep is None:
        ep = feature.time_support

    if minmax is None:
        bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins + 1)
        bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins + 1)

    idx = bins[0:-1] + np.diff(bins) / 2

    tuning_curves = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=list(group.keys()))

    group_value = group.value_from(feature, ep)

    occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.restrict(ep).values, bins)

    for k in group_value:
        count, _ = np.histogram(group_value[k].values, bins)
        count = count / occupancy
        tuning_curves[k] = count
        tuning_curves[k] = count * feature.rate

    return tuning_curves


    group, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None

Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d features


Name Type Description Default
group TsGroup

The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed

features TsdFrame

The 2d features (i.e. 2 columns features).

nb_bins int or tuple

Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided)

ep IntervalSet

The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves given as: (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features



Type Description

A tuple containing:

tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).

xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions


Type Description

If group is not a TsGroup object or if features is not 2 columns only.

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_2d_tuning_curves(group, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None):
    Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d features

    group : TsGroup
        The group of Ts/Tsd for which the tuning curves will be computed
    features : TsdFrame
        The 2d features (i.e. 2 columns features).
    nb_bins : int or tuple
        Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided)
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch on which tuning curves are computed.
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves given as:
        (minx, maxx, miny, maxy)
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features

        A tuple containing: \n
        tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).\n
        xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions

        If group is not a TsGroup object or if features is not 2 columns only.

    if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 4:
        raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 4.")

    if isinstance(nb_bins, tuple) and len(nb_bins) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "nb_bins should be of type int (or tuple with (int, int) for 2D tuning curves)."

    if isinstance(nb_bins, int):
        nb_bins = (nb_bins, nb_bins)

    if ep is None:
        ep = features.time_support
        features = features.restrict(ep)

    groups_value = {}
    binsxy = {}

    for i in range(2):
        groups_value[i] = group.value_from(features[:, i], ep)
        if minmax is None:
            bins = np.linspace(
                np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i] + 1
            bins = np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i] + 1)
        binsxy[i] = bins

    occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
        features[:, 0].values.flatten(),
        features[:, 1].values.flatten(),
        [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]],

    tc = {}
    for n in group.keys():
        count, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
            [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]],
        count = count / occupancy
        tc[n] = count * features.rate

    xy = [binsxy[i][0:-1] + np.diff(binsxy[i]) / 2 for i in range(2)]

    return tc, xy


    tc, feature, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False

Mutual information as defined in

Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993). An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037).


Name Type Description Default
tc DataFrame or ndarray

Tuning curves in columns

feature Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)

The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)

ep IntervalSet

The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature

bitssec bool

By default, the function return bits per spikes. Set to true for bits per seconds



Type Description

Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes)

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_1d_mutual_info(tc, feature, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False):
    Mutual information as defined in

    Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993).
    An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code.
    In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037).

    tc : pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray
        Tuning curves in columns
    feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)
        The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves.
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature
    bitssec : bool, optional
        By default, the function return bits per spikes.
        Set to true for bits per seconds

        Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes)
    if isinstance(tc, pd.DataFrame):
        columns = tc.columns.values
        fx = np.atleast_2d(tc.values)
        fx = np.atleast_2d(tc)
        columns = np.arange(tc.shape[1])

    nb_bins = tc.shape[0] + 1
    if minmax is None:
        bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins)
        bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins)

    if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet):
        occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.restrict(ep).values, bins)
        occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature.values, bins)
    occupancy = occupancy / occupancy.sum()
    occupancy = occupancy[:, np.newaxis]

    fr = np.sum(fx * occupancy, 0)
    fxfr = fx / fr
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        logfx = np.log2(fxfr)
    logfx[np.isinf(logfx)] = 0.0
    SI = np.sum(occupancy * fx * logfx, 0)

    if bitssec:
        SI = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=["SI"], data=SI)
        return SI
        SI = SI / fr
        SI = pd.DataFrame(index=columns, columns=["SI"], data=SI)
        return SI


    dict_tc, features, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False

Mutual information as defined in

Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993). An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037).


Name Type Description Default
dict_tc dict of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray

If array, first dimension should be the neuron

features TsdFrame

The 2 columns features that were used to compute the tuning curves

ep IntervalSet

The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features

bitssec bool

By default, the function return bits per spikes. Set to true for bits per seconds



Type Description

Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes)

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_2d_mutual_info(dict_tc, features, ep=None, minmax=None, bitssec=False):
    Mutual information as defined in

    Skaggs, W. E., McNaughton, B. L., & Gothard, K. M. (1993).
    An information-theoretic approach to deciphering the hippocampal code.
    In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1030-1037).

    dict_tc : dict of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray
        If array, first dimension should be the neuron
    features : TsdFrame
        The 2 columns features that were used to compute the tuning curves
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch over which the tuning curves were computed
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves.
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target features
    bitssec : bool, optional
        By default, the function return bits per spikes.
        Set to true for bits per seconds

        Spatial Information (default is bits/spikes)
    # A bit tedious here
    if type(dict_tc) is dict:
        fx = np.array([dict_tc[i] for i in dict_tc.keys()])
        idx = list(dict_tc.keys())
        fx = dict_tc
        idx = np.arange(len(dict_tc))

    nb_bins = (fx.shape[1] + 1, fx.shape[2] + 1)

    bins = []
    for i in range(2):
        if minmax is None:
                    np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i]
                np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i])

    if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet):
        features = features.restrict(ep)

    occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
        features[:, 0].values.flatten(),
        features[:, 1].values.flatten(),
        [bins[0], bins[1]],
    occupancy = occupancy / occupancy.sum()

    fr = np.nansum(fx * occupancy, (1, 2))
    fr = fr[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    fxfr = fx / fr
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        logfx = np.log2(fxfr)
    logfx[np.isinf(logfx)] = 0.0
    SI = np.nansum(occupancy * fx * logfx, (1, 2))

    if bitssec:
        SI = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["SI"], data=SI)
        return SI
        SI = SI / fr[:, 0, 0]
        SI = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["SI"], data=SI)
        return SI


    tsdframe, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None

Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a feature with continuous data.


Name Type Description Default
tsdframe Tsd or TsdFrame

Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron)

feature Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)

The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)

nb_bins int

Number of bins in the tuning curves

ep IntervalSet

The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature



Type Description
pandas.DataFrame to hold the tuning curves


Type Description

If tsdframe is not a Tsd or a TsdFrame object.

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(
    tsdframe, feature, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None
    Computes 1-dimensional tuning curves relative to a feature with continuous data.

    tsdframe : Tsd or TsdFrame
        Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data
        where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron)
    feature : Tsd (or TsdFrame with 1 column only)
        The 1-dimensional target feature (e.g. head-direction)
    nb_bins : int
        Number of bins in the tuning curves
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch on which tuning curves are computed.
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves.
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature

    pandas.DataFrame to hold the tuning curves

        If tsdframe is not a Tsd or a TsdFrame object.

    if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 2:
        raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 2.")

    if isinstance(tsdframe, nap.Tsd):
        tsdframe = tsdframe[:, np.newaxis]

    feature = np.squeeze(feature)

    if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet):
        feature = feature.restrict(ep)
        tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(ep)
        tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(feature.time_support)

    if minmax is None:
        bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(feature), np.nanmax(feature), nb_bins + 1)
        bins = np.linspace(minmax[0], minmax[1], nb_bins + 1)

    align_times = tsdframe.value_from(feature)
    idx = np.digitize(align_times.values, bins) - 1

    tc = np.zeros((len(bins) - 1, tsdframe.shape[1]))
    for i in range(0, nb_bins):
        tc[i] = np.mean(tsdframe.values[idx == i], axis=0)
    tc[np.isnan(tc)] = 0.0

    # Assigning nans if bin is not visited.
    occupancy, _ = np.histogram(feature, bins)
    tc[occupancy == 0.0] = np.nan

    tc = pd.DataFrame(
        index=bins[0:-1] + np.diff(bins) / 2, data=tc, columns=tsdframe.columns
    return tc


    tsdframe, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None

Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d feature with continuous data.


Name Type Description Default
tsdframe Tsd or TsdFrame

Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron)

features TsdFrame

The 2d feature (two columns)

nb_bins int or tuple

Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided)

ep IntervalSet

The epoch on which tuning curves are computed. If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.

minmax tuple or list

The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves. Should be a tuple of minx, maxx, miny, maxy If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature



Type Description

A tuple containing:

tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).

xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions


Type Description

If tsdframe is not a Tsd/TsdFrame or if features is not 2 columns

Source code in pynapple/process/
def compute_2d_tuning_curves_continuous(
    tsdframe, features, nb_bins, ep=None, minmax=None
    Computes 2-dimensional tuning curves relative to a 2d feature with continuous data.

    tsdframe : Tsd or TsdFrame
        Input data (e.g. continuous calcium data
        where each column is the calcium activity of one neuron)
    features : TsdFrame
        The 2d feature (two columns)
    nb_bins : int or tuple
        Number of bins in the tuning curves (separate for 2 feature dimensions if tuple provided)
    ep : IntervalSet, optional
        The epoch on which tuning curves are computed.
        If None, the epoch is the time support of the feature.
    minmax : tuple or list, optional
        The min and max boundaries of the tuning curves.
        Should be a tuple of minx, maxx, miny, maxy
        If None, the boundaries are inferred from the target feature

        A tuple containing: \n
        tc (dict): Dictionary of the tuning curves with dimensions (nb_bins, nb_bins).\n
        xy (list): List of bins center in the two dimensions

        If tsdframe is not a Tsd/TsdFrame or if features is not 2 columns

    if minmax is not None and len(minmax) != 4:
        raise ValueError("minmax should be of length 4.")

    if isinstance(nb_bins, tuple) and len(nb_bins) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "nb_bins should be of type int (or tuple with (int, int) for 2D tuning curves)."

    if isinstance(tsdframe, nap.Tsd):
        tsdframe = tsdframe[:, np.newaxis]

    if isinstance(ep, nap.IntervalSet):
        features = features.restrict(ep)
        tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(ep)
        tsdframe = tsdframe.restrict(features.time_support)

    if isinstance(nb_bins, int):
        nb_bins = (nb_bins, nb_bins)

    binsxy = []
    idxs = []

    for i in range(2):
        if minmax is None:
            bins = np.linspace(
                np.nanmin(features[:, i]), np.nanmax(features[:, i]), nb_bins[i] + 1
            bins = np.linspace(minmax[i + i % 2], minmax[i + 1 + i % 2], nb_bins[i] + 1)

        align_times = tsdframe.value_from(features[:, i], ep)
        idxs.append(np.digitize(align_times.values.flatten(), bins) - 1)

    idxs = np.transpose(np.array(idxs))

    tc = np.zeros((tsdframe.shape[1], nb_bins[0], nb_bins[1]))

    for i in range(nb_bins[0]):
        for j in range(nb_bins[1]):
            tc[:, i, j] = np.mean(
                tsdframe.values[np.logical_and(idxs[:, 0] == i, idxs[:, 1] == j)], 0

    tc[np.isnan(tc)] = 0.0

    # Assigning nans if bin is not visited.
    occupancy, _, _ = np.histogram2d(
        features[:, 0].values.flatten(),
        features[:, 1].values.flatten(),
        [binsxy[0], binsxy[1]],
    occupancy = occupancy[np.newaxis, :, :]
    occupancy = np.repeat(occupancy, len(tc), axis=0)
    tc[occupancy == 0.0] = np.nan

    xy = [binsxy[i][0:-1] + np.diff(binsxy[i]) / 2 for i in range(2)]

    tc = {c: tc[i] for i, c in enumerate(tsdframe.columns)}

    return tc, xy