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pynapple is a light-weight python library for neurophysiological data analysis. The goal is to offer a versatile set of tools to study typical data in the field, i.e. time series (spike times, behavioral events, etc.) and time intervals (trials, brain states, etc.). It also provides users with generic functions for neuroscience such as tuning curves and cross-correlograms.

  • Getting Started

    New to Pynapple? Checkout the quickstart.


  •   How-To Guide

    Learn the pynapple API with notebooks.

    API guide

  •   Neural Analysis

    Explore fully worked examples to learn how to analyze neural recordings using pynapple.


  •   API

    Access a detailed description of each module and function, including parameters and functionality.


  •   Installation Instructions

    Run the following pip command in your virtual environment.

    pip install pynapple
    python -m pip install pynapple

    For more information see:

  •   Community

    To ask any questions or get support for using pynapple, please consider joining our slack.

    Please send an email to thepynapple[at]gmail[dot]com to receive an invitation link.

    To open an issue see :


Open source, licensed under MIT.